News Home / News / Page 6 A new granite processing plant in Rajasthan – India 10.02.2021 New Year of the Buffalo 08.02.2021 Varsha Stones, indian company leader in the production of granite, has chosen Gaspari Menotti machines for its new plant 27.01.2021 OUR BEST WISHES 21.12.2020 Tne new website is online 17.12.2020 Office closure: Immaculate Conception 04.12.2020 Soon the new headquarters of Gaspari Menotti Technologies: a new space for innovation and efficiency 24.11.2020 Gaspari Menotti Technologies on the stock exchange with Franchi Umberto Marmi who doubles and installs the second diamond gang-saw Dgs Series 12.11.2020 Gaspari Menotti technologies on the stock exchange with Franchi Umberto Marmi 11.11.2020 Happy Diwali 2020 10.11.2020 Another Gaspari menotti multiwire, arrives in Brazil 20.10.2020 Gramarcal granitos e marmores renews trust in Gaspari Menotti technologies for its new granite slab polishing line 29.09.2020 << 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>